When periodontal disease damages your oral health and smile, our periodontists may recommend regenerative treatments to halt the progression of the disease and help you regain your oral health. Regenerative treatments are designed to restore your oral health and save your teeth, gums and supporting oral structures. Our periodontists will carefully evaluate your entire mouth to determine the severity of the disease and create a customized treatment plan that meets your needs.
Common regenerative periodontal treatments include:
- Gum Tissue Regeneration — Gum regeneration treatments are typically provided in the form of gum grafting. This type of treatment is usually recommended when the gums have receded from the teeth due to periodontal disease, overaggressive brushing or other factors.
- Pocket Reduction Surgery — Also known as gingivectomy or flap surgery, pocket reduction surgery reduces the depth of your periodontal pockets so that harmful bacteria cannot invade your gum tissue as easily. This treatment is often combined with antibiotic treatments and deep dental cleanings.
- Scaling and Root Planing — Scaling and root planing works to remove plaque and calculus from the teeth and tooth roots, thus promoting healing by smoothing the roots to discourage bacteria from recolonizing the area. It is frequently combined with other treatments to provide the best results.
To learn more about periodontal regenerative therapy and schedule a consultation with our periodontists , contact our office today.